How Does A Generator Work?

Jeremy HIPA

While portable generators can vary from model to model, they operate on similar principles. Producing power by using a gasoline engine and an electromagnet. In this blog, we will address how a generator with a voltage regulator and a brush system works as well as potential problems you may encounter.
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On/Off Switch Replacement On A Generator Engine

Jeremy HIPA

This blog is a step-by-step instruction for replacing the on/off switch on a Briggs and Stratton engine that commonly found in generators. The most common reasons for replacing the on/off switch are when the switch does not snap firmly into the on or off positions, when the engine is hard to start, or when...
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Ignition Coil Replacement On A Generator

Jeremy HIPA

This blog is a step-by-step instruction for replacing the carburetor on a Briggs and Stratton generator engine. The most common reasons for replacing the ignition coil is when the engine won’t start and testing proves the ignition coil to be at fault.
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