Trimmer Line Replacement On String Trimmers
There are a number of different trimmer heads used on various trimmers. And here we will take 3 type spools for instance.You need make sure the correct length and width of the line of your trimmer. If you purchase the wrong size line, your trimmer will not work properly.
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How To Adjust The High & Low Speed Screw On String Trimmers Carburetor
All small engine equipment will become worn and dull over time. Take the weed eater as an example: you will need to adjust the carburetor speed to get a good trigger response and cutting performance after a session. Here is a simple fine-tune instruction on how to correctly adjust your carburetor on the weed...
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How to Adjust the Carburetor on a Stihl FS 76 74 28cc String Trimmer
If you have problems adjusting the carburetor idles, we have this step-by-step article with how-to video to walk you through the whole carburetor adjustment process.
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